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Would you like to know which Feynman quote fits you best?

Answer this short 5-minute questionnaire and find out which quote of Richard Feynman best describes your views on science communication

Would you like to know which Feynman quote fits you best?

Answer this short 5-minute questionnaire and find out which quote of Richard Feynman best describes your views on science communication.

This student research project is carried out by an intern in the CMS communications team. It aims to explore how people who work at CERN view communication in the field of fundamental physics.

Your participation is important and it will help advance the knowledge in the field of science communication. Please note: to participate in the research, you don’t need any prior knowledge on the topic!

Your response will be completely anonymous. There are three general questions about your background – approximate age, country and field of work – which do not violate the anonymity as no link can be drawn between the respondent and their answer. The rest of the questions will invite you to describe the way you communicate fundamental physics with the general public. Take 5 minutes off and help the research!

Link to the questionnaire: http://cern.ch/go/9vnM

Please submit your response before 8 August 2017. In case of any questions or suggestions, please contact Daria Dvorzhitskaia.