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Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 11) – Recognition of merit

Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 11) entitled "Recognition of merit" entered into force on 1 November 2016

Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 11) entitled "Recognition of merit", approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 20 September, continued on 6 October and finalized by written procedure on 27 October 2016, is available via the following link: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2229708.

It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 10), entitled "Recognition of Merit" of January 2014.

The main changes reflect the changes to the Staff Rules and Regulations approved by the Council in December 2015, introducing the new career structure as well as the new merit recognition system (MERIT). These include, in particular, the following changes:

-       introduction of new definitions and concepts (such as "benchmark job", "functions", "global performance"),

-       simplified performance evaluation procedure,

-       more granularity in the financial recognition of merit (each of the four qualification levels of performance leading to a specific result),

-       the possibility for staff members reaching the maximum of their grade to continue receiving a performance reward (performance payment), and

-       separate process and timetable for promotions.

The circular also details the transition measures decided by the Council.

Finally, as regards rewards outside the annual exercise, it was decided to retain only the possibility of granting an increase in salary at the end of the probationary period.

This circular entered into force on 1 November 2016.


Department Head Office
HR Department