Twenty-nine nominations were submitted and considered by the committee, and on 16 June 2017 five prizes were awarded for work that had a significant impact on the operation of the LHCb experiment within the last year.
The recipients are:
- Elena Dall’Occo for the evaluation and assessment of the silicon sensors that will be used in the upgrade of the LHCb VELO detector. These measurements led to the choice of the sensor technology and vendor for the VELO upgrade.
- Giulio Dujany contributed to the real-time alignment and calibration of the vertexing and tracking system of the LHCb experiment. This led to stable and precise alignment of the detector, allowing to achieve the best possible performances for physics analyses.
- Claudio Gotti worked on the development of the CLARO chip, the front-end ASIC of the LHCb RICH detector upgrade. This was a key element of the success of the RICH upgrade design.
- Lucia Grillo played a leading role in the development and operation of the online real-time calibration and alignment of the LHCb tracking system. This is now part of the daily running of the LHCb experiment, and is a crucial step towards the operation mode foreseen for the LHCb detector upgrade.
- Renato Quagliani developed a new seeding algorithm for the tracking software of the LHCb detector upgrade. This algorithm shows a large gain in efficiency to find low momentum tracks, a corresponding reduction in fake-track rates and a faster execution time.