TEDed animates clouds and cosmic rays

TEDed and particle physicist at CERN Jasper Kirkby come together to animate the effect of clouds on the Earth’s climate


Cloudy climate change: How clouds affect Earth's temperature (Video: Jasper Kirkby/TEDed)

Cloudy climate change: How clouds affect Earth's temperature is the second video in the TEDed / CERN series created for the TEDxCERN event held on 25 September 2014. Jasper Kirkby explains why scientists need to understand more about aerosols and clouds in order to predict the rise in the Earth’s surface temperature with more precision. The CLOUD experiment at CERN aims to help scientists understand how clouds are formed in the atmosphere, view the full lesson here

Stayed tuned for the final video in this series later this week.

For more info on this years event see TEDxCERN where the videos for this year’s talks will soon be available.