Shaking the box for new physics
The CMS collaboration has searched for new physics in a rare decay of a known particle, using an approach that can be likened to shaking a box containing a birthday present to find a clue about what’s inside
CERN welcomes International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
On the centenary of quantum mechanics -- the bedrock of particle physics and enabler of numerous technologies – CERN is contributing to the development of a new generation of quantum technologies for fundamental research and beyond.
Future colliders and fusion reactors
CERN and EUROfusion are collaborating to develop innovative technologies for future colliders and nuclear fusion reactors
Upgrading the LHCb sub-detectors for the HL-LHC
The LHCb experiment is revamping its electromagnetic calorimeter with new high-performance modules and equipping its ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors with very fast electronics
Using carbon dioxide to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
Find out how CERN is minimising its carbon dioxide footprint with a novel approach using carbon dioxide cooling technology
The CERN Alumni Network turns seven
Following the successful Third Collisions event in February, the Network will host a LinkedIn live event on 13 June to celebrate its seventh anniversary
CERN70: The world’s first hadron collider
Kjell Johnsen was Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) project leader when the accelerator was built
CERN and the US sign joint statement of intent
Joint Statement of Intent between the US and CERN concerns future planning for large research infrastructures, advanced scientific computing and open science
CERN70: An electronic revolution
Georges Charpak received the 1992 Nobel Prize in Physics for his 1968 invention of the multi-wire proportional chamber, which revolutionised particle detection
Hunting for millicharged particles at the LHC
The FASER and FORMOSA collaborations team up to test a demonstrator experiment to detect particles with a tiny electrical charge