Time to change: CERN scientists propose 25-hour day

Scientists at the BETA experiment, in CERN’s Antimatter Factory, have made the most precise measurement of the second yet, which could result in the day lasting an hour longer

01 April, 2023

ALICE sees the ridge in simplest collisions yet

The observation brings physicists a step closer to finding the origin of collective phenomena in small collision systems

31 March, 2023

As Indico passes 1 million events, CERN and UN host joint workshop to discuss growth of this open source platform for organising events

Representatives of CERN, the United Nations Office at Geneva and other organisations held a two-day workshop to discuss the future of Indico, a CERN-created, open source platform for organising events

24 March, 2023

ATLAS and CMS observe simultaneous production of four top quarks

The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have both observed the simultaneous production of four top quarks, a rare phenomenon that could hold the key to physics beyond the Standard Model

24 March, 2023

HiLumi News: New CERN niobium–tin magnet energises the HL-LHC programme

A second 7.2-metre-long HL-LHC triplet quadrupole has reached the currents needed for 7 TeV operation, with higher performances

21 March, 2023

Computer Security: Upcoming password considerations

While the CERN Computer Security team does its best to identify exposed and disclosed passwords and to figure out anomalies in your login patterns, the time has come to improve even further

21 March, 2023

Beware the deaf threat: noise awareness campaign

What do traffic, data centres, cooling towers, construction work, electric transformers and LHC compressors have in common? They all make for a noisy working environment

21 March, 2023
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