Computer Security: AI attacks
While AI – coming with its own computer security problems – might make daily life easier, it will also open up a new series of attack vectors
How CERN IT keeps up with the data deluge
At CERN we are used to dealing with a deluge of data, but the numerical value behind the word “deluge” has significantly evolved over the years
Computer security: security workouts
Just like your summer exercise regime, computer security requires permanent training to stay fit and healthy
CERN70: Where the Web was born…
Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal in 1989 for an information management system called the World Wide Web
Computer Security: Audited for the better
Summer 2023 was an intense season for CERN computer security...
CERN Drawing Directory (CDD) to be phased out before the end of 2024
Computer Security: Security NIMBYs
If we want to protect CERN and to have a decent level of security, we cannot avoid deploying a certain set of computer security measures… and they all come with inconveniences
Digital archaeology: new LEP data now available to all
Retrieving and preserving access to data from experiments that ran in the 90s is a complex task carried out by passionate experts in the IT department
Computer Security: Don’t print naked
If you’re interested in what’s going on at CERN, in professional projects and plans, or in private problems and parties, hanging out at one of CERN’s printers is a very effective approach...
Computer Security: Dear summer students, welcome!
A warm welcome to the summer-student class of 2024! In order to make your digital life as comfortable as possible, here are a few things you need to know