Have a story for the CERN website?

We would like to hear from you. Let us know:

  • what the story is about
  • who your story might interest
  • the 'hook' for the story (e.g. an event, a discovery)

Contact the ECO group via the form here.


Information about events such as meetings, seminars and lectures should be managed in Indico. Certain categories of events are automatically imported into the CERN website. Feel free to also request an announcement on the CERN website (see below).


Anyone with a CERN primary account can submit and save an announcement for the CERN website. Announcements must be clearly targeted at CERN people. Keep the text short. 200-word maximum: longer announcements will be cut. Send your announcement to comms.request@cern.ch. The web editor will check that your announcement fits the required format, edit it and publish at his or her discretion.


The editorial team meets every morning. Stories and articles for the week are agreed on Mondays. We may ask you to pitch your story at the Monday editorial meeting if we need more information.

A word on audiences and formats

Every story on the CERN website is written for a particular audience and to a particular format. You can find more information on the content checklist website.

We look forward to receiving your stories.