CERN unveils its Science Gateway project
CERN is launching a new scientific education and outreach centre
2019 European School Of High-Energy Physics
Registration now open – Deadline for applications 3 May 2019
Moriond feels the strong force
Pentaquarks, charmed beauty particles and more from the Moriond conference’s second week, which is devoted to studies of the strong nuclear force
Celebrating 40 years of physics at CERN’s North Area
A symposium at CERN celebrates four decades of physics research at the Laboratory’s North Area
CS3 2019 Conference: The future of cloud storage for science
The latest CS3 conference, a key event for the cloud storage community, was held in Rome at the end of January
LHCb experiment discovers a new pentaquark
The LHCb collaboration has observed a new pentaquark particle and has confirmed the pentaquark structure previously reported
40 years of physics in the North Area
CERN will host a scientific symposium to celebrate 40 years of physics with the SPS
A “muoscope” with CMS technology
Researchers from the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider are developing a new application based on one of the experiment’s particle detectors
LHCb sees a new flavour of matter–antimatter asymmetry
The LHCb collaboration has observed a phenomenon known as CP violation in the decays of a particle known as a D0 meson for the first time
ATLAS observes light scattering off light
The ATLAS Collaboration has reported the observation of light-by-light scattering with a significance beyond eight standard deviations