ATLAS and CMS physics results from Run 2
The two experiments will present their new results at the 13 TeV energy frontier
Accelerating News Issue 15 now available
Issue 15 of Accelerating News, a quarterly publication for the accelerator community, is now available
Data Science at the LHC: Watch the workshop
Watch a range of talks on topics from machine learning to exoplanets this week as part of the ‘Data Science at LHC’ workshop
CERN experiments present results at Quark Matter 2015
There were presentations from ALICE, CMS, ATLAS and LHCb at the international conference on ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions this week
Big data takes ROOT
ROOT, a data-analysis tool set, has helped particle physicists run analyses for years. The developers see a lot of potential for its use in industry
ALICE investigates 'snowballs in hell'
How is it that loosely bound objects are observed in high-energy nuclear collisions? The ALICE collaboration finds out
Out of the clouds
The final step of the second scrubbing run has successfully been completed
LHCb on the trail of lepton nonuniversality
The LHCb experiment has measured decays of B mesons that have shown deviations from the predictions of the Standard Model
ILC collaboration celebrates 10th anniversary
Ten years ago the global research and development effort for the future International Linear Collider kicked off at a meeting in Snowmass in the US
Lepton-Photon 2015 conference takes place in Ljubljana
The 27th International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energies is taking place on 17 – 22 August in Ljubljana, Slovenia