CERN-ITER collaboration under new leadership
Miguel Jimenez to head CERN-ITER collaboration steering committee
LS1 report: A cold, cold summer
The cooling of the LHC is advancing quickly, with the second sector having now reached 200 K
Webcast: All the latest from ICHEP 2014
Watch the webcast from the International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP) in Valencia, Spain
CERN at ICHEP day three
Day three at the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Valencia, Spain, saw the end of the parallel sessions
ICHEP day 2: Two years after Higgs boson announcement
Yesterday, CMS and ATLAS presented their most complete and most comprehensive measurements of the properties and decay modes of the Higgs boson
CERN at the first day of ICHEP
Yesterday at the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Valencia, Spain, CERN’s LHC experiments presented their latest results
Electrons at the LHC: a new beginning
A new committee is providing direction on the case for an electron–hadron collider, both at the LHC and at a Future Circular Collider complex
Webcast: ATLAS electroweak physics programme
Anja Vest of the Technical University of Dresden presents recent results from ATLAS
LS1 report: Proton Synchrotron beams are back!
For the first time in over 15 months, there are beams back in the Proton Synchrotron
Accelerating News summer issue now available
Updates on EuCARD-2, ERC grants, and CRISP in Issue 10 of Accelerating News. Now available online