Accelerator experts meet in Germany
IPAC’14, the 5th International Accelerator Conference, has attracted more than 1500 accelerator experts this week to Dresden
ATLAS precisely measures Higgs boson mass
The ATLAS Collaboration has analyzed its full Run 1 data sample of seven and eight TeV proton-proton collisions delivered by the LHC
ESS: neutron beams at the high-intensity frontier
Learn about the European Spallation Source, and Jim Yeck, who is taking charge of the project in its construction phase, in the latest CERN Courier
New ATLAS results at LHCP: Higgs mass to string balls
ATLAS presented new results at the Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP) Conference in Columbia University, New York, 2-7 June
LS1 report: first beams in the PS Booster
On 2 June the PS Booster had beam for the first time since the beginning of LS1
Z(4430) resonance and other exotic meson results from LHCb
Greig Cowan of the University of Edinburgh (UK) presents the latest on exotic mesons from LHCb. Watch the webcast at 11am CET today
BESIII and the XYZ mystery
In continuing its studies of the energy region of the τ and charm particles, the BES collaboration has begun to investigate the puzzling XYZ states
LS1 report: Nearing the finish line
The LS1 team will be popping the champagne on Tuesday 27 May, celebrating the completion of the consolidation of the splices
Higgs machine-learning challenge
Competition open to find new machine-learning techniques for analysis of Higgs data produced by the ATLAS experiment
Linac4 Drift Tube Linac under assembly
After years of design, prototyping and manufacturing, the Linac4 Drift Tube Linac is being assembled at CERN