The next generation of INSPIRE is here!
A year after releasing the INSPIRE beta version, the new, upgraded and feature-packed INSPIRE platform has officially been released
Apply for the 2020 Beamline for Schools competition
Groups of physics students are invited, along with their teachers, to propose an idea for a particle-physics experiment
CERN updates its Open Hardware Licence
Version 2.0 of the CERN Open Hardware Licence has been released, introducing three variants meant to cater to different collaborative models
Knowledge Transfer funding opportunities for CERN staff
Do you work for CERN and have a project with potential positive impact on society? Apply for funding from the CERN KT Fund before 16 March
Ten artworks exploring CERN science travel around the world
A travelling art exhibition entitled ‘Quantum/Broken Symmetries’* will bring the fruit of CERN’s art and science residencies to four new museums worldwide in 2020.
How particle physics could prevent financial fraud
A new collaboration agreement sees CERN data analytics used to help protect commodity and financial markets from fraud
World’s first proton treatment of a cardiac pathology
A cancer therapy synchrotron that CERN helped to establish has treated a patient with ventricular arrhythmia for the first time
ATLAS releases 13-TeV open data for science education
The collaboration has made public the data of 1 quadrillion proton-proton collisions from the LHC’s last run
Female ambassadors for science visit local schools
Female researchers and engineers have presented their careers and jobs to 132 classes in Geneva and neighbouring France
Particle physicists formulate future of the field
This week’s drafting session marks key discussions for the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics