Exploring quantum computing for high-energy physics
CERN openlab workshop kicks off discussion of quantum computing for high-energy physics
CERN’s IT Consultancy team can help
CERN IT experts provide advice on IT and computing for all CERN communities
Computer Security: When "free" is not free
Protect CERN, protect yourself! Using applications without a valid licence will lead to repercussions
Computer Security: The rancid USB box of chocolate
How convenient were USB sticks in the past? And how convenient they still are today despite the existence of CERN’s free and versatile CERNBox...
Computer Security: Linux: Windows revisited
Linux and MacOS folks: do as the Windows people do. Be diligent when receiving unsolicited e-mails with weird attachments
Quantum computing for high-energy physics
CERN openlab is organising a first-of-its-kind workshop on quantum computing on 5-6 November. The event will take place in the CERN Main Auditorium
Computer security: Protect your family
Protect yourself and your family! Protect your private life! And once you have done that, protect your professional life and your CERN devices, too!
Computer Security: The easy way to lose passwords
Following up on some questions we received concerning our last Bulletin article, let us expand on the easiest way to lose your CERN password…
Computer Security: An old scam in a new disguise
Money has always been a catalyst for greed and malice. Blackmail is one way to extort money from the innocent and has existed since ancient times