Accelerator Report: The accelerator complex gears up for action after the yearly winter maintenance break
The first beams are already circulating in the Linac4 and PS Booster and should reach the LHC on 11 March. A new physics run is about to begin!
CERN Council reviews progress of feasibility study for a next-generation collider
At its half-way mark, a study investigating the feasibility of a 91-kilometre Future Circular Collider to potentially follow the Large Hadron Collider at CERN shows significant progress
Chamonix: building on success, planning for the future
Highlights from this year’s Chamonix workshop, including the crucial role that the injectors play in shaping future research endeavours
HiLumi News: protecting the components of CERN’s future accelerator
The collimation system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which protects the accelerator’s components, needs an upgrade to be able to handle the performance of CERN’s future accelerator
HiLumi News: cool kickers for the HL-LHC
Successful tests of the first “MKI-Cool” show that these new kicker magnets can take the heat and keep their cool with high-luminosity beams
Hi-Lumi News: First magnet from the US Accelerator Upgrade Project shipped to CERN
Watch a timelapse of the unboxing of the first of ten cryo-assemblies from the US to be installed in the HL-LHC interaction regions
Looking back on an eventful year for accelerators
Accelerator highlights, challenges and successes in 2023
HiLumi News: Successful test paves the way for magnet production at CERN
Engineers have successfully tested an improved design of a quadrupole magnet manufactured at CERN, confirming that niobium–tin technology is viable for accelerator magnets
Accelerator Report: Exploring performance potential for future benefit
The year-end technical stop (YETS) officially started on 30 October, with promising performance tests in Linac4. The injection of the first 2024 LHC beam is scheduled for 11 March 2024
Accelerator Report: Ending the 2023 run with a quench
Another few days and the last 2023 LHC beams will be dumped, hopefully by the machine protection system following a controlled magnet quench