Sound sculptor to begin arts residency at CERN
American sound sculptor Bill Fontana will begin his arts residency at CERN 4 July with a lecture – follow the live webcast
Summer season cafeteria closes
Please note the following cafeteria closures over the summer season
Universe of sound: meet CERN’s new Collide @ CERN resident
Lecture at 7pm 4 July in the CERN Globe of Science and Innovation to mark the start of Bill Fontana’s Collide @ CERN residency
Council renews support for CERN
Good news for CERN as Council approves the budget for 2014 and the Medium Term Plan
Why energy talks at CERN?
There are many things that can be done to manage energy in a way that makes science sustainable, says Technology department head Frédérick Bordry
Inspiring insight into primary particles
British primary-school students visited CERN this week as part of a campaign to inspire children for high-tech jobs of the future
A new Director for Fermilab
Today, Fermilab announced that Nigel Lockyer will be their new Director. And a very good choice they have made, says CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer
BE-KT Innovation Day
A departmental innovation day is a good way to promote and foster knowledge transfer, says Paul Collier of the Beams department
Sign up now to volunteer for the CERN Open Days
At the end of September we expect a huge number of visitors for the Open Days. Volunteers are the key to the event