Chamonix Workshop 2025: looking to the future
Reviewing accelerator operations, supporting an increasingly diverse physics programme and preparing for the High-Luminosity LHC and beyond were key themes of this year’s Chamonix Workshop
Updated schedule for CERN’s accelerators
The timing and duration of the third long shutdown (LS3) of the Large Hadron Collider and injector complex has changed, here’s why
Chamonix: building on success, planning for the future
Highlights from this year’s Chamonix workshop, including the crucial role that the injectors play in shaping future research endeavours
Looking back on an eventful year for accelerators
Accelerator highlights, challenges and successes in 2023
News from the Chamonix workshop
The first Chamonix workshop, dedicated to LEP performance, took place in 1991 – we’ve come a long way since then!
Implementing a vision for CERN’s future
The 2020 update of the European strategy for particle physics forms the basis of CERN’s objectives for the next five years, explains Fabiola Gianotti
Celebrating a 60-year legacy of forefront accelerators
The PS and LEP accelerators, which entered service 60 and 30 years ago, have left a lasting imprint on the field of particle physics
The time of the LHC Injectors Upgrade project
After years of careful preparation, the LHC’s second long shutdown, LS2, is now under way. Over the coming 18 months, the upgrade of the LHC’s injector complex will be the primary focus for technical teams across the Organization
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