The digital report “Accelerating Innovation Through Partnerships” shows how CERN, in collaboration with its partners, can harness its technology and expertise to drive innovation for the benefit of society
Francis Farley, a British physicist, joined CERN in 1957. This marked the start of a long and remarkable career in experiments to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
Günther Plass, former Director of Accelerators at CERN, joined the Magnets group at the Proton Synchrotron (PS) in 1956. Three years later, the machine went into service and became the most powerful accelerator in the world
In cooling positronium with laser light for the first time, AEgIS may also have taken the first step towards a matter–antimatter system that emits laser-like gamma-ray light
Giuseppe Fidecaro was among the small group of physicists who performed the first experiment at CERN to provide results in 1958 that would spread the Laboratory’s name around the world
The latest release makes LHCb research data, used by researchers to produce a number of significant results, available to anyone for a wide range of physics studies
Over the last ten years, CERN-born Zenodo has evolved to store ever more scientific data. Today, a new project is set to ensure Zenodo’s position as a prime repository for EU research data