We construct static and axially symmetric magnetically charged
hairy black holes in the gravity-coupled Weinberg-Salam theory.
Large black holes merge with the Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) family,
while the small ones are extremal and support a hair in the form of
a ring-shaped electroweak condensate carrying superconducting
W-currents and up to $22\%$ of the total magnetic charge.
The extremal solutions are asymptotically RN with a mass {\it below}
the total charge, $M<|Q|$, due to the negative Zeeman energy of the
condensate interacting with the black hole magnetic field. Therefore,
they cannot decay into RN black holes. As their charge increases,
they show a phase transition when the horizon symmetry changes from
spherical to oblate. At this point they have the mass typical for planetary
size black holes of which $\approx 11\%$ are stored in the hair. Being obtained
within a well-tested theory, our solutions are expected to be physically relevant.
Based on https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.171402
2 Apr/25
Black holes with electroweak hair
4/2-011 at CERN