13 Feb/25
11:00 - 13:00 (Europe/Zurich)

EFT combination of SM measurements


4/2-011 at CERN

Global interpretations of particle physics data in the framework of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) provide a novel avenue to search for new physics beyond the SM and gain insights over the nature of possible UV-complete theories. In this talk we present the theoretical basis underlying global SMEFT fits and their matching to UV-complete theories and the underlying analysis methodologies. We review the constraints that LHC measurements can provide on the EFT operators, taking the recent global analysis of Higgs, electroweak, top quark data, and multijet production from CMS as case study. We conclude by briefly highlighting how SMEFT studies contribute to the ongoing discussion about possible future colliders at CERN.

Fabian Stäger (CMS) is a PhD student at the University of Zürich and a member of the CMS Collaboration. His current research focuses on indirect searches for physics beyond the standard model using effective field theory. He worked on the recent combined EFT interpretation of Higgs boson, electroweak vector boson, top quark, and multijet data from CMS. Additionally, he contributes to the upgrade of the CMS Inner Tracker for the HL-LHC, in particular the new Tracker Endcap Pixel (TEPX) subsystem.

Juan Rojo (TH) is a theoretical particle physics working at the interface of theory and experiments in topics such as proton structure, effective field theories, high-energy neutrino scattering, and applications of AI/ML to particle physics. After a PhD in Barcelona and postdocs in Paris, Milan, and CERN-TH, Juan was first junior faculty in Oxford and then moved to Amsterdam for his current position. In addition to his research activities, Juan is the Head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the VU Amsterdam and also Chair of the Dutch National Graduate School of Subatomic Physics.