12 May/25
08:30 (Europe/Zurich)
Ends: 16 May/25 17:30

Infrared Surprises of Scattering Amplitudes


4/3-006 at CERN

Understanding the infrared properties of scattering amplitudes in gauge theories and gravity is a long-standing problem with significant phenomenological implications. The presence of infrared divergences and soft modes in such theories also poses a challenges for performing S-matrix bootstrap analyses. Recently, several theoretical advancements have been made related to this area, including:

  1. a detailed understanding of the relationship between soft dynamics and asymptotic symmetries, described via two-dimensional conformal theory on the celestial sphere;
  2. the modification of crossing symmetry in the presence of long-range modes and its connection to generalized symmetry and anomaly; 
  3. a new result on crossing symmetry for multi-particle amplitudes that relates them to other observables;
  4. new soft theorems derived from the geometry of field space.

Despite these advancements, these developments have largely occurred within separate research communities, with limited interaction between them. This workshop aims to bridge these gaps, encouraging dialogue and fostering collaboration among these diverse groups.


Organizers: Lucia Cordova (CERN), Hofie Hannesdottir (IAS), Andreas Helset (CERN), Shota Komatsu (CERN)