The North Experimental Area is the largest experimental facility at CERN in terms of surface area and offers a diverse program of R&D tests and experiments in the field of particle and nuclear physics. A functioning beam instrumentation is essential for monitoring and controlling the secondary particle beams used here. Currently, the so-called XSCI intensity monitors are utilized to measure the beam intensity. These detectors, which are based on thin plastic scintillators, are set to be replaced as part of the North Area Consolidation Program by a new generation of motorized vacuum-integrated intensity monitors. In this presentation, I will discuss the development of these new intensity monitors during my Technical Studentship over the past year. Additionally, I will provide a brief overview of my work at ISOLDE and AD for the PUMA experiment as a PhD student.
18 Mar/25
A New Beam Intensity Monitor for the CERN Experimental Areas
508/1-001 at CERN