The AD operations team received on Friday, 1 June – 12 days earlier than rescheduled – the green light from the AD injection kicker expert: beam could be injected again in the AD ring
Monday 5 June marked the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day, one of the United Nations' vehicles for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment
The resources developed by IdeaSquare for the Crowd4SDG project will continue to drive innovation through future Science Gateway workshops and masterclasses
On 11 May, four days before the original schedule had set a target of 1200 bunches per beam, the LHC made its final intensity ramp-up step to 2400 bunches per beam
The computing equipment, which will shore up scientific capacities in Lebanon, was inaugurated in the presence of the country’s Prime Minister and a CERN/CMS delegation
CERN’s HiRadMat facility restarts this week with a new experiment nicknamed “Fireball”, which will give new insights into extreme astrophysical phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts
The observation at CERN’s nuclear physics facility of a long-sought decay of the thorium-229 nucleus in a solid-state system is a key step towards a clock that could outclass today’s most precise atomic clocks