"So long and thanks for all the fish"
Remarkable first three-year run of LHC comes to an end, marked by the LHC controllers with a Douglas Adams reference
LHC proton run ends with new milestone
Remarkable first three-year run of the world’s most powerful particle accelerator crowned by a new performance milestone
Administrative circular no.3 updated
Administrative circular no.3 (rev. 2) - Home leave, travel to home station and assimilated leave and travel - is updated
2013 remuneration dates for CERN personnel
Dates on which monthly remuneration will be paid into individual bank accounts in 2013
A memorable week
A Special Fundamental Physics Prize, handing over the CERN Council Presidency and a pilot run with 25 nanosecond bunch spacing made it a busy week
CERN granted status of observer to the UN General Assembly
Today the United Nations General Assembly in New York adopted a resolution granting CERN observer status
The Synchrocyclotron prepares for visitors
Hall 300, which houses CERN’s first accelerator, is being prepared to host a new exhibition
CERN is granted the status of observer to the United Nations General Assembly
Dutch high-school students analyse ATLAS event data
Nine students from Kandinsky College in Nijmegen in the Netherlands, visited CERN as part of a school trip to learn about particle physics