CERN Accelerator School - Mechanical Materials Engineering for Particle Accelerators and Detectors

The course will take place from 25 May to 7 June 2020 in Sint-Michielsgestel, Netherlands

CERN Accelerator School - Mechanical Materials Engineering for Particle Accelerators and Detectors, 25 May - 7 June 2020, Sint-Michielsgestel, Holland
(Image: CERN)

Registration is now open for the CERN Accelerator School’s course on Mechanical Materials Engineering for Particle Accelerators and Detectors, from 25 May to 7 June 2020, in Sint-Michielsgestel, Netherlands.

A course on Mechanical engineering is being organised for the first time. The focus of the course will be to orient mechanical engineers from their general knowledge obtained during their past education to techniques and solutions that are specific for accelerator applications. In the mornings, a complete lecture programme is foreseen, covering a wide range of mechanical-engineering aspects. These lectures are complemented by a series of application reports in the field of accelerators. In the afternoons, four blocks of hands-on experiments are foreseen, during which the students will be guided to do practical work that will include visits of professional companies close by.

Since a student without prior knowledge of mechanical engineering will not be able to follow the course, we have prepared a self-evaluation test on our website. We kindly ask every interested student to take this test and only apply for the course if a sufficiently high score is obtained.

For more information and application, please visit the school website: