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Dive into the world of accelerators

Visit the CERN accelerator complex through these immersive 360-degree photos


Panoramas project example
The Large Hadron Collider is one of the many locations to visit using the panoramas project (Image: CERN)

A little tour of the LHC? Or what about a peek at the oldest CERN accelerator still in operation, the Proton Synchrotron? The panoramas project invites you to visit the world's largest accelerator complex through a multitude of 360-degree photos.

The panoramas project was initially developed to support accelerator interventions. Even when the machines were running, scientists could use the panoramas to plan maintenance and repairs. Over the years, the 360-degree photo library has grown to include more than 21 800 panoramas! These immersive photos are used by an increasing number of CERN services for operation and maintenance.

During the Open Days in September 2019, the project team produced a public version with 338 of the most interesting panoramas. You can now explore CERN’s tunnels, caverns and impressive machines from the comfort of your home.

Click here to access the panoramas.