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Final stretch for diode insulation in the LHC

The DISMAC project’s teams have insulated the 1232nd – and last – diode of the LHC

Members of the DISMAC team celebrate the last diode of the LHC’s dipoles being cleaned and insulated (Image: Julien Ordan/CERN)

The major clean-up of the LHC is complete. On Tuesday, 28 January, the DISMAC (Diode Insulation and Superconducting Magnets Consolidation) project’s teams vacuumed the 1232nd and last diode box, ten months after the first one. They then reinforced the electrical insulation of the diode.

This is another important step in the LHC consolidation programme during the ongoing second long shutdown (LS2). Several teams are involved in the DISMAC project to perform the many tasks on each interconnection. The team insulating the diodes is followed by other teams who carry out the electrical and quality-assurance tests and close the interconnections one by one. The LHC consolidation work is thus nearing completion. Twenty-two magnets have been replaced. The last diode box will be rewelded in February and the last interconnection should be closed during the month of April.