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CERN’s diversity on display at Ethnopoly in Meyrin

For the tenth year running, CERN took part in Ethnopoly, a life-size scavenger hunt that invites primary school pupils to discover Meyrin’s wealth of cultural diversity

(Image: CERN)

On Friday, 17 May 2019, ten and eleven-year-olds from every school in the Meyrin-Cointrin district took part in the “Ethnopoly” intercultural game in the commune of Meyrin. The aims? To soak up cultural wealth, promote diversity and bring people together.

Some 70 individuals, institutes and associations opened their doors to groups of children in order to present an aspect of their home culture or a particular feature of the commune: paella recipes, how to drape a sari, roadside recycling and ... international collaboration at the largest particle physics laboratory in the world!

CERN, which was founded in Meyrin, has had a stand in the Forum Meyrin for ten consecutive games of Ethnopoly. Volunteers present the activities of the Laboratory, where more than 10 000 scientists and engineers of over 100 different nationalities work together to advance research, speaking one common language: science!