Video: How accelerators help us to see further

Lucio Rossi and Fermilab’s Giorgio Apollinari talk about light, luminosity and the High-Luminosity LHC project

Video: How accelerators help us to see further

CERN’s Globe of Science and Innovation, where the inaugural talk in a lecture series to celebrate the international year of light was held, shown in the background with a projection announcing the High-Luminosity LHC project (Image: Maximilien Brice/CERN)

Light is a bridge between reality and ourselves, and accelerators help us to ‘see’ beyond our natural vision. These are the key messages of a talk by CERN’s Lucio Rossi and Fermilab’s Giorgio Apollinari that kicked off celebrations of the International Year of Light. Watch the talk on light, luminosity and the High-Luminosity LHC project online here.

The next talk in this series will be held on 24 February at CERN’s Globe of Science and Innovation on the subject of “Superconductivity, High-Luminosity LHC and emerging energy technologies”. More details, including how to follow the talk via webcast, available here: