Leading ICT companies gather for annual CERN openlab technical workshop
CERN openlab’s annual technical workshop gathered leading ICT companies for a series of discussions on computing technologies
Computer security: When "free" gets even more restrictive
Why "free" does not necessarily mean "free of charge" or, in the CERN context, why "free" software should not be used for professional or educational purposes
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) – Directive on the Recovery of Undue Payments
CHIS Directive No. 2 entitled “Recovery of Undue Payments” lays down the provisions governing the application of the CHIS Rules in respect of the recovery of undue payments
Annual adjustments to financial benefits with effect from 1 January 2019
The year of the crab
Tests carried out in 2018 on two crab cavities in the SPS validated their technical principle and many operating parameters
International collaboration publishes concept design for a post-LHC future circular collider at CERN
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) collaboration submits its Conceptual Design Report (CDR) for publication
The usefulness of useless knowledge
Fundamental science will help solve the world’s problems