'Higgs Cosmology' meeting at Royal Society | 27-28 March
The Royal Society is coordinating a residential meeting at Royal Society in Buckinghamshire, on 27-28 March 2017 entitled ‘Higgs Cosmology'
CERN modernises its recruitment process
The HR department has adopted a new recruitment tool that will enhance the recruitment process both for CERN and for candidates
Help advertise CERN’s science and technology at IEEE
CERN colleagues are warmly invited to help the Knowledge Transfer team welcome visitors and advertise CERN’s science and technology
CLOUD experiment sharpens climate predictions
Measurements of the production rates of atmospheric aerosol particles by CERN’s CLOUD experiment put global climate projections on more solid ground
ATLAS and CMS physicists awarded 2017 Panofsky Prize
Michel Della Negra, Peter Jenni and Tejinder Virdee, former spokespersons of ATLAS and CMS, will be presented with the 2017 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize
ATLAS rewards outstanding achievements during Run 2
The awards recognise excellent contributions made to the ATLAS collaboration, with an emphasis on activities carried out in the first year of Run 2
Accelerators Explained for Everyone – Without Maths
Curious to know how a particle accelerator works, but afraid of the mathematics that comes with it? Then this seminar is for you!
Computer Security: Do we need more software liability?
How to make any software that you deploy or develop more secure
CERN car parks: registration plate readers are operational
The registration plate readers on Routes Scherrer and Bohr are now operational and have already started to collect data
Vaccination against seasonal flu
As is the case every autumn, the Medical Service suggests that you should get vaccinated against seasonal flu