A great start for the whole CERN accelerator chain
With physics data-taking under way this week at the LHC, I’d like to take a look at what’s been happening at the rest of the CERN accelerator chain.
Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference
The fifth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics will be held in Shanghai and hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the period of May 15-20, 2017.
CERN openlab ‘open day’ marks 15 years of collaboration
CERN openlab is organising an ‘open day’ event for 8-9 June 2016.
Leave for illness/accident or in the event of illness of a close relative - New medical certificate templates
The Tevatron legacy: a luminosity story
The impact of the Tevatron programme extended beyond what was originally planned
Speed limit on the Route de l’Europe
Please respect the speed limit on the Route de l'Europe during the construction work of the cycle path
Ransomware: When it is too late...
Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to the infected computer system
Make Lego LHC a reality
A design for a Lego LHC needs about 3000 more signatures for Lego to consider it for a new product