The CERN Alumni Network’s mentor programme can help you develop new skills and achieve goals
Thematic CERN School of Computing 2023 – Apply now!
Renovation work in the library is progressing
Library services continue during the work, which are due to be completed by autumn 2023
13th International School of Trigger and Data AcQuisition – 13-22 June 2023
W boson turns 40
Forty years ago today, physicists at CERN announced to the world that they had discovered the electrically charged carrier of the weak force, one of nature’s four fundamental forces
Members of the “CoE RAISE” EU project – developing AI approaches for next-generation supercomputers – meet at CERN
This innovative project is developing artificial-intelligence (AI) approaches for next-generation “exascale” supercomputers
Colliding particles not cars: CERN's machine learning could help self-driving cars
CERN and software company Zenseact wrap up a joint research project that could allow autonomous-driving cars to make faster decisions, thus helping avoid accidents
Cool kickers for the HL-LHC
The first “MKI-Cool” was installed in early January – water-cooled ferrite cylinders will protect the LHC’s kicker magnets from increased heat load in the high-luminosity era
HiLumi News: 7.2-m-long niobium–tin quadrupole magnet manufactured at CERN reaches nominal current for the first time
The 7.2-metre-long version of this vital HL-LHC component reached nominal current plus an operational margin corresponding to a coil peak field of 11.5 T at 1.9 K during a test in SM18