Fabiola Gianotti on a safe return to working on-site
The Director-General explains the rationale behind the new rules on working at CERN in a three minutes-long video
129th ACCU Meeting
Agenda for the meeting to be held on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 9.15 a.m. by video-only (no in-person meeting)
New teleworking procedures from 7 September
James Purvis, Head of the Human Resources department, addresses the new teleworking measures
A guide to a safe return to CERN sites
All the protective measures that you need to adopt for a safe return on CERN sites
Science Gateway will bring people closer to CERN
The construction of the project is planned to kickstart later this year, a crucial step towards CERN’s dream emblem of science communication
Sign up for Bike to Work 2020!
The 2020 edition of Bike to Work starts in September
CERN and the LHC experiments’ computing resources in the global research effort against COVID-19
As time moves on and the community gets organised, new computing-related solutions and collaborations unfold to help tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
The ALICE TPC is upgraded
The refurbished detector was lowered into the ALICE cavern and installed in the experiment in August