CERN’s Users’ Office celebrates its 30th anniversary
The Users’ Office, which was founded in 1989, is an essential part of CERN’s infrastructure for the more than 13 500 registered guest scientists at CERN today
CERN & Society Foundation announces its first Ambassador
William Hurley is a leading influencer on entrepreneurship and equality
2019 edition of the CERN Road Race
The 2019 edition of the annual CERN Road Race will be held on Thursday 10 October at 18:15
A different sound in the LHC tunnel
World-famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma performs 100 metres underground at the Large Hadron Collider
Time to register for ‘Expanding Your Horizons Geneva’
Lots of inspiring experiences, workshops and a discovery fair for girls aged 11-14
Apply for the first quantum-computing hackathon at CERN in October!
Open Days: Congratulations and Thanks
75 000 visitors participated in hundreds of open house activities thanks to the commitment of nearly 3000 volunteers and many CERN services
LS2 Report: CMS set to glitter with installation of new GEMs
The CMS muon system is being upgraded to help track muons with ever-higher precision
CERN staff survey - your opinion matters
CERN is launching a new staff survey. If you are a CERN staff member, this is your opportunity to make your voice heard, and help shape the future of CERN as a workplace