Apply to the Simon van der Meer Award for Early-Career Researchers in Accelerator Science - deadline 27 May 2019
Bike to Work 2019: back in the saddle!
Take part in the “Bike to Work” initiative and cycle to CERN
French sign language available at the Globe
New measures to make events at the Globe of Science and Innovation more accessible
Call for volunteers for WOMAD and Roskilde festivals
Join us in our ventures to reach new audiences
Taxation in France
Memorandum concerning the annual internal taxation certificate 2018 and the declaration of income for 2018
Exchange rate for 2018
Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France
950 pupils in scientists’ shoes
The project Be a Scientist encountered a great success again for its 2019 edition
Closure of CERN restaurants: spring 2019
Opening hours of restaurants and cafeterias during public holidays in April, May and June 2019
Computer Security vs Academic Freedom
The mandate of the CERN Computer Security Team is simple: to protect the reputation and operations of the Organization from cyber risks. But this simple sentence can quickly become complex: what is the risk?
A new staff career development initiative
This month sees the launch of the programme 'Focus on Your Career: Develop Your Potential' for Staff Members