LHCb experiment discovers two, perhaps three, new particles
The LHCb collaboration has discovered two new baryons and potentially also a new tetraquark
Summer school for secondary students in Spain
First summer school for secondary students organised between University of Barcelona and CERN
Preparing for retirement - seminars
If you are a staff member and considering retirement in the next one or two years, we encourage you to participate in two special seminars
CERN Pension Fund – 2018 Annual Information Meeting
All members and beneficiaries of the Pension Fund are invited to attend the Annual Information Meeting on Thursday 18 October 2018 - 2:30 p.m.
Mobility at CERN – status and next steps
Many of you answered the mobility survey. Your answers will help us improve mobility at CERN
Submit your project to the CERN Knowledge Transfer Fund
Do you work for CERN and have a project with potential positive impact on society? Apply for funding from the CERN KT Fund before 12 November
LHC Report: The final days of Run 2
At the end of October, the last protons for Run 2 will circulate inside the LHC. The next protons will be injected only in the spring of 2021!
Getting mobility on the right track
4,300 of you have taken part in the mobility survey. Your answers will help proposals to be developed over the coming months
Serbia visits CERN
On 11 September, CERN received a visit from Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia