The Schools Challenge: time to open the boxes!
On Friday, 13 May, local primary schoolchildren attended an event in the Globe of Science and Innovation to reveal the contents of boxes they had carefully prepared as a challenge for CERN’s scientists
A year dedicated to celebrating basic science
In July 2022, a whole year devoted to celebrating basic sciences for sustainable development gets under way
Pre-registration for the Higgs anniversary symposium is now open
The 10th anniversary of the Higgs boson’s discovery will be marked by a symposium on 4 July celebrating a decade of Higgs boson physics, discussing the latest results and looking to the future
Environmental awareness: managing and optimising CERN’s electricity consumption
Use less, increase efficiency, recover more
KT fund and MA budget: bridging the gap between CERN research and society
Apply to the Knowledge Transfer (KT) fund and Medical Application (MA) budget if you work on a technology that could be applied outside of high-energy physics
Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2022), 26-30 September
Volunteer for CERN’s summer activities at CineGlobe and Science Night
This summer, become a CERN ambassador on the Organization’s activity stand at Science Night, and help host the 11th edition of the CineGlobe international film festival
CLOUD discovers new way by which aerosols rapidly form and grow at high altitude
The resultant particles quickly spread around the globe, potentially influencing Earth’s climate on an intercontinental scale