The Higgs boson: What makes it special?
Our second story in the LHC Physics at Ten series visits the LHC’s most important discovery so far
Computer Security: Click and infect
With one click, your Windows system, your Macbook or your Linux installation can be gone...
Searching for matter–antimatter asymmetry in the Higgs boson–top quark interaction
The ATLAS and CMS collaborations used the full LHC Run 2 dataset to obtain new insights into the interaction
An International Review for the High Energy Ventilator
On 23 April, an international expert committee convened to review the HEV ventilator and advise the team developing it on the necessary next steps to deploy the ventilator in the global fight against COVID-19
Discussion and solitude in the Theoretical Physics department
Theoreticians stuck at home connect with their global community and focus on their research
COVID-19: Keep moving to stay fit!
The Medical Service has some tips to help you keep fit and physically active at home, in collaboration with Activ’ Santé
Adolf Minten (1931 – 2020)
Distinguished CERN physicist Adolf Minten passed away on 21 March at the age of 88