ISOLDE spots another pear-shaped nucleus
An experiment performed at CERN’s ISOLDE facility shows that the nucleus of the isotope radium-222 is pear-shaped
CERN openlab hosts 2020 technical workshop
The annual workshop brought together leading ICT companies and research institutions
Female ambassadors for science visit local schools
Female researchers and engineers have presented their careers and jobs to 132 classes in Geneva and neighbouring France
Summer work for children of members of the personnel
During the period from 1 June to 6 September 2020 inclusive, there will be a limited number of jobs for summer work at CERN
Using LEGO to study the building blocks of the universe
An improvised device, assembled using toy bricks, helped scientists conduct tests at CERN’s NA61/SHINE
A new life for AMS
ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano has left the International Space Station after a six-month stay during which he contributed to repairing the AMS experiment
[CANCELLED] 16-18 March at CERN: Inverted CERN School of Computing
Computer Security: Tunnel Madness
The "Allo Unblocker", "Allo Better Internet" and "Allo VPN" plug-ins have been explicitly banned from being used at CERN
Final stretch for diode insulation in the LHC
The DISMAC project’s teams have insulated the 1232nd – and last – diode of the LHC