4 January: emergency stop tests | Meyrin site
The emergency stop tests of the administrative area of the Meyrin site are planned on Wednesday 4 January, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
14-15 January: emergency stop tests | PS and Booster area
The emergency stop tests of the PS and Booster area on the Meyrin site are planned on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 January from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
New arrivals - December 2016
On Monday 5 December 2016, recently-recruited staff members and fellows participated in a session in the framework of the Induction Programme
Mail Delivery | 21 December
Mail Delivery measures for the annual closure of CERN
Schengen Area - Entry, stay and exit - Documents required
Reminder at the request of the host state authorities
PACMAN and CERN meet the HES-SO
The students of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland assisted a CERN outreach event organized by PACMAN
The 4th ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Career Networking Event
The “ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Career Networking Event” provided early career researchers with an insight into career opportunities outside academia
Dietrich Wiegandt (1934-2016)
Dr Dietrich Wiegandt passed away on 12 April 2016