The ICTR-PHE medical conference kicks off
Experts in medicine, physics, biology and IT come together with the aim of advancing medical techniques
CERN congratulates the discoverers of gravitational waves
Congratulations to LIGO and Virgo for the first ever direct detection of gravitational waves
TEDxCERN gets the TED spotlight
The TED website now hosts even more TEDxCERN talks, reaching viewers of more than 1 million per video
Detection of Gravitational Waves
The announcement by LIGO and VIRGO collaborations of direct detection of gravitational waves confirms one of Einstein's major predictions
Has the magic gone from Calcium-52?
CERN Researchers at ISOLDE facility show the supposedly doubly-magic nucleus Calcium-52 has an unexpectedly large charge radius
First year of data taking at high energy for MoEDAL
In this week's Bulletin find out the MoEDAL’s physics programme
Emergency stop tests of the Prevessin site area 10
The emergency stop tests of the Prevessin site area 10 are planned on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
Innovation for Change project starts at CERN
For the Innovation for Change project 50 young talents will apply advanced technology to finding solutions for social needs
The Chamonix workshop: a key point in the CERN calendar
Last week I attended the annual LHC performance workshop in Chamonix. This meeting is an essential part of the CERN calendar.
CERN recognized experiment to expand scientific capacity
Scientists at the CERN-recognized KM3NeT Collaboration have publicly announced KM3NeT 2.0