Webcast: Recent ALICE results on lead collisions
Recent results on Pb-Pb and p-Pb Ultra Peripheral Collisions will be presented. Watch the webcast at 11am CET
CERN accelerates Future Library initiative in Greece
Two days of virtual visits to CERN mark the launch of Media Labs in nine public libraries across Greece
Accelerating News winter issue now available online
Updates from the EuCARD, TIARA, and HiLumi projects in Issue 8 of Accelerating News. Now available online
CERN to admit Israel as first new Member State since 1999
CERN is set to admit Israel as the Organization’s 21st Member State
Send a CERN e-card
Send colleagues, family and friends holiday greetings using the CERN e-card service
Celebration colloquium for Steve Myers
CERN celebrates Steve Myers’ career with a colloquium tomorrow at 2.30pm in the Main Auditorium
Webcast: Materials in the Flatland
Nobel prize laureate Kostya Novoselov of the University of Manchester will talk about graphene today at 4.30pm CET. Watch the webcast
LS1 report: a stubborn cavity will soon be replaced
Testing on the LHC’s replacement RF cryomodule was completed last week in SM18
Ringing the changes in the ombuds office
After three and a half years in office as CERN’s first Ombuds, the time has come for Vincent Vuillemin to pass on the baton
Particle Fever to screen at CERN
Don't miss a special screening for CERN people of the documentary Particle Fever in the Main Auditorium this evening