Schools competition: Win a beamline
For CERN’s 60th anniversary in 2014, the laboratory is offering a chance to high-school students worldwide to carry out an experiment at CERN
The Music of Physics - Third open competition, Collide@CERN Geneva 2014 award announced
X-ray tests: Night at the collider
When night falls over CERN, a team of X-ray experts go underground to perform tests on the Large Hadron Collider
LS1 report: achieving the unachievable
The dismantling and extraction of a defective DFBA module from LHC Point 6, has been completed without a hitch
Towards the next chapter
The time has come for CERN to start seriously considering the options for its post-LHC future
First H- beam at Linac 4: 3 MeV done, 157 MeV to go
On 14 November, the first H- beam was accelerated to the energy of 3 MeV in Linac 4
CERN is most effective on Twitter, says study
A report released today rates CERN as the most effective international organization on Twitter
Webcast: First results from LUX Dark Matter experiment
Today at 11am CET, Chamkaur Ghag of University College London will present the first results from the LUX Dark Matter experiment. Watch the webcast
Test magnet reaches 13.5 tesla – a new CERN record
The Short Model Coil working group recently built a niobium-tin magnet with a peak magnetic field of 13.5 tesla—a record for CERN
Test magnet reaches 13.5 tesla – a new CERN record
The Short Model Coil working group recently built a niobium-tin magnet with a peak magnetic field of 13.5 tesla – a record for CERN