CERN congratulates François Englert and Peter W. Higgs on the award of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics
CERN congratulates Englert and Higgs on Nobel in physics
The 2013 Nobel prize in physics has been awarded to François Englert and Peter Higgs for their theoretical work on the Higgs boson
Latest results on Z boson production from LHCb
Today at 11am, LHCb will present measurements of Z boson production using data collected at a 7 TeVcenter-of-mass energy. Watch the webcast
CERN Tweetup draws citizen journalists from across the globe
Twelve social(media)ites took a private tour of CERN and shared their experiences on Twitter at the CERN Tweetup
CLOUD experiment shines new light on climate change
The CLOUD experiment reports a major advance towards solving a long-standing enigma in climate science: how do aerosols form in the atmosphere?
Cows, clouds and climate
The CERN CLOUD experiment has just made a major step forward in the understanding of a critical aspect of our climate
Autumn issue of Accelerating News available
Issue 7 of Accelerating News, a quarterly publication for the accelerator community, is now available
Preparing for tomorrow's big data
At the ISC Big Data conference last week, Frank Würthwein of the University of California explained how CERN will manage big data in future
CERN welcomes its first filmmaker in residence
Filmmaker Jan Peters will present his work on 16 October in the Globe of Science and Innovation