Modernizing the operational dosimetry system
As part of continual efforts to ensure the highest standards of radiation protection, CERN is modernizing its operational dosimetry system
EU commissioner meets Marie Curie researchers at CERN
Today Androulla Vassiliou is visiting CERN to meet young researchers supported by the EU Marie Curie Actions
EU commissioner meets Marie Curie researchers at CERN
Today Androulla Vassiliou is visiting CERN to meet young researchers supported by the EU Marie Curie Actions
Recent results on Higgs studies at ATLAS and CMS
The experiments release combined spin measurements for the Higgs boson for the first time
Recent results on Higgs studies at ATLAS and CMS
The experiments release combined spin measurements for the Higgs boson for the first time
Safety alert: Newton harnesses need inspection of stitching
A defect has been detected on NEWTON harnesses produced by PETZL, so the HSE requires that all of these items be properly inspected
In pictures: Opening the LHC
This week, technicians opened up the first interconnections between LHC magnets to work on accelerator components inside
LIU 2013: Injector teams present status
Today at CERN, physicists and engineers from the LHC-injector accelerators presented their plans for upgrades during long shutdown
LIU 2013: Injector teams present status
Today at CERN, physicists and engineers from the LHC-injector accelerators presented their plans for upgrades during long shutdown