Consolidating LHC splices
Watch Jean-Phillipe Tock of the Technology department explain how CERN technicians are upgrading interconnections on the LHC
Get connected: Consolidating LHC splices
Watch Jean-Phillipe Tock of the Technology department explain how CERN technicians are upgrading interconnections on the Large Hadron Collider
Composer A. Noordegraaf and writer A. Hornsby in the Library
Discover how one of Europe’s most exciting young composers, Arnoud Noordegraaf, works with writer Adrian Hornsby to create contemporary operas
£1 million Engineering prize honours web pioneers
The inaugural Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering went to five engineers whose work led to the internet and the World Wide Web
Engineering prize webcast
Watch the webcast of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering at 1pm GMT
Change of offices for HR department
Due to renovation work, there will be a disrupted service during the last week of February 2013
Annual adjustments to 2013 financial benefits
No adjustments have been made to basic salaries and stipends, subsistence allowances or family benefits as at 1 January 2013
Still making tracks: Eighty years of the positron
Eighty years ago today, Physical Review published a paper by Carl Anderson announcing the discovery of the positron – the electron’s antiparticle
Registration now open for CERN School of Computing 2013
The school will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus from 19 to 30 August. Registration closes on 1 May 2013
New results indicate that new particle is a Higgs boson
With two and a half times more data analysed than in July last year, ATLAS and CMS find that the new particle looks more and more like a Higgs boson