A well rounded organization
Today's HR report shows a beautiful round number of CERN personnel
LHC Report: Rocky XIV
The LHC has been in luminosity production mode for a couple of weeks - the total integrated luminosity for the year has passed 14 inverse femtobarns
News from the Library: CERN Scientific Book Fair 2012
A two-day event in building 500 offers the opportunity to meet key publishers and to browse and buy books at significant discounts
Summer Student takes ISOLDE by surprise
A model developed by a Belgian student has helped ISOLDE to perform sensitive measurements of franconium, one of the world's rarest elements
Inspiring a generation
It was particularly pleasing to see science, the LHC and Higgs bosons featuring so strongly in the opening ceremony of the Paralympics last week
ATLAS and CMS publish observations of a new particle
The collaborations published the latest in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the journal <em>Physics Letters B</em>
ATLAS and CMS publish observations of a new particle
The collaborations published the latest in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the journal <em>Physics Letters B</em>
Windows XP ends at CERN – register for Windows 7 training
Windows XP has been around for over 10 years and it is now time to move on
Accidents can happen to anyone, on foot, cycling or driving
The HSE Unit would like to express its opinion in the light of the road accident statistics involving personnel at CERN
How to protect yourself from the latest JAVA bug
Computer security advice from CERN's head of computer security Stefan Lüders