CERN/NASA Summit: “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”
Computer security: Is this password yours?
Unless you employ the ultimate silver bullet to protect your account and greatly reduce the consequences of a compromised password, namely two-factor authentication, watch out!
Contributing to the emergency response in Türkiye in the aftermath of the earthquake
Marc Nas, Operations Officer and Deputy Group Leader of the CERN Fire and Rescue Service, describes his mission to support the international effort
Book presentation - "Quantum Mechanics: A Mathematical Introduction" by Andrew J. Larkoski
Kicking off
Following the installation of kicker magnets that are more heat resistant and their successful tests during the SPS scrubbing run, the SPS is getting ready for High-Luminosity LHC operation.
Time to change: CERN scientists propose 25-hour day
Scientists at the BETA experiment, in CERN’s Antimatter Factory, have made the most precise measurement of the second yet, which could result in the day lasting an hour longer
ALICE sees the ridge in simplest collisions yet
The observation brings physicists a step closer to finding the origin of collective phenomena in small collision systems