ICFA on the prospects for accelerator-based particle physics
The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) discussed projects that will safeguard the future of accelerator-based particle physics
ATLAS finds evidence of ttH production
ATLAS finds evidence of the Higgs boson produced in association with a pair of top quarks
Accelerating News Issue 22 available
Issue 22 of Accelerating News is now available
Superconductors take centre stage
Superconductors are the primary focus of next week’s major EUCAS 2017 conference, which will also include events aimed at the general public
The microscope that digs deep for answers
An elaborate nano-workstation for 3D imaging at CERN gives insights into what lies beneath the surface of materials
Accelerating News issue 21 published
Issue 21 of Accelerating News is now available
LHCb flavour anomalies continue to intrigue
Two papers published today in Nature review recent flavour measurements from the LHCb experiment that are at odds with theoretical predictions
ATLAS presents results from LHCp
Details from the 2017 LHCp conference held in Shanghai
Looking forward to photon-photon physics
New projects will be installed and commissioned at ATLAS and CMS to detect photon - photon collisions before the LHC restarts in May this year
A 30-year adventure with heavy ions
Three decades since the first ultra-relativistic collisions were produced at CERN, the field of heavy-ion physics is still a hot topic